Are you tired of underarm sweat and odor? The miraDry® treatment is the first and only non-invasive treatment to permanently reduce your underarm sweat, odor glands and underarm hair. The miraDry® system uses energy that targets and destroys the sweat and odor glands in your underarm.
Excessive sweating affects how you perform daily activities, how you dress, and your overall confidence.
This is a permanent solution for excessive underarm sweat, so once your sweat glands are destroyed, they will be gone for good. In addition to treatment of hyperhidrosis, miraDry® also thins the hair in your armpits, making shaving more manageable.
Over 37 million people in the United States suffer from hyperhidrosis. MiraDry uses thermal energy to eliminate sweat glands under your arms all in about an hour.
MiraDry is FDA approved for sweat reduction and has been performed over 140,000 times worldwide.
We are proud to offer miraDry® at Universal Dermatology & Vein Care. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!